2024 Club Schedule


NOTE - Please check back for updates.





15 - Board meeting – 9:30 am at The HUB Hackensack, MN.  Committee reports, ride planning, and spring membership drive.





26 - Spring Meeting & Pancake Breakfast 9am, The Hub, 213 1st St S, Hackensack. Short team reports, opportunity to renew membership, club gear for sale.  Great deals, high quality gear.



1-15 - State ATV Trails open. Before you go, check open/closed status on MNDNR website for trails and state forest roads.

10 - MN Fishing Opener

11 - Mother’s Day

16-17 - ATV MN Ride & Roast in Remer

18 - Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup 10 am. Meet at Anderson’s South Shore Resort in Whipholt. We need 8-12 volunteers, takes about an hour, with free lunch at Andersons for all volunteers. Hi-vis vests, bags and pickup tools provided. Bring gloves. Prize for best find in the ditch. To reserve your spot, please contact Scott Agre: scottagre01@gmail.com 

26 - Memorial Day

31 - Club Ride, Paul Bunyan State Forest, Round River Trail System, Meet in Stompin’ Grounds parking lot for a ride start time of 9:00am, ride for 3.5-4 hours, then end up at the Stompin’ Grounds for lunch on you own.  Ride leader Paul Vashro pavashro@gmail.com.



7 - ATV Safety Field Day Class.  2 classes scheduled, 9:00 – 12:00, 1:00 – 4:00pm.  Walker Area Community Center. Lead Safety instructor Craig Wadzink. Pre-Registration Required

14 - Club Ride, UPM Blandin Trail - Ride cancelled due to trail closure!  Ride start time 9:0

0am, Lunch in Hill City on your own. Then return to trail head parking. Ride leader Dave Shaw dshaw821@arvig.net

15 - Father’s Day

21 - Pop up ride, TBD.  Let us know what trails you want to ride on!



4 - Longville Parade. We ride our decorated ATVs, with club trailer, lots of fun, details to come.

12 - Club Ride, Blind Lake Trail - Parking in Emily.  Ride the trails until lunch at the Blind Lake shelter.  Pack your own lunch.  Ride Leader Brian Markely, brianmarkley57@gmail.com

19 – Woodtick Wheelers Club Annual Meeting.  At the HUB Hackensack MN.  Board member elections, possible ride to Whipholt Beach. Ride leader Dave Shaw. dshaw821@arvig.net



5 - Volunteer opportunity. National Nite Out, Hackensack Community Center, Club ATV Safety Ed trailer there, TAs and members visit with public, pass out maps, reg books, answer questions. Deputies there with display and military RZR.

9 - Club Ride, Swatara-Hill City. Ride leader Chris Emerson. b174894@gmail.com

22 Through Labor Day - Minnesota State Fair -MN DNR Trail Ambassador volunteer opportunity



1 - Labor Day

6 - Club Ride, Paul Bunyan State Forest, Round River Trail System, Meet in Stompin’ Grounds parking lot for a ride start time of 9:00am, ride for 3.5 – 4 hours then end up at the Stompin’ Grounds for lunch on your own. Ride leader David Kane. snorp66@gmail.com

26-28 - ATV MN State Convention Ride & Rally.  Silver Bay, MN

26-28 - Volunteer Opportunity - Hackensack Chainsaw Event. On Saturday the 27th the club trailer will be parked at the HUB, distributing DNR Trail Atlases and Regulation Books to community members.



4 - Club Ride, Schoolcraft Trail.  Meet at trailhead parking by Backwoods Bar & Grill.  Leader Scott Agre, scottagre01@gmail.com.

18 - Pop up ride at Smokey Hills with lunch at West Forty.  Ride leader TBD

31 - Halloween



27 - Thanksgiving



25 - Christmas


Woodtick Wheelers ATV Club

P.O. Box 83

Hackensack, MN 56452


Thanks to a Polaris Trails grant, the Woodtick Wheelers were able to purchase a Polaris Sportsman 110 EFI to be used for youth safety training. 

Our club's ATV Safety Education Trailer was purchased with a $10,000 grant from the Polaris TRAILS program. Thousands of people have visited it at community events, where we passed out over 5,000 ATV maps, reg books and safety handouts. Thanks Polaris!
Our club's ATV Safety Education Trailer was purchased with a $10,000 grant from the Polaris TRAILS program. Thousands of people have visited it at community events, where we passed out over 5,000 ATV maps, reg books and safety handouts. Thanks Polaris!
Every new member gets free club logo stickers for their ATVs and off-highway motorcycles.  Extra logos: $1  Also available in an embroidered patch to sew on your favorite gear. $3 each.
Every new member gets free club logo stickers for their ATVs and off-highway motorcycles. Extra logos: $1 Also available in an embroidered patch to sew on your favorite gear. $3 each.