OHV Spring Road Restrictions Announced In Chippewa National Forest
From the Walker Newspaper, March 16: Off-highway vehicle restrictions are now in effect for any U.S. Forest Service roads through May 1. The Chippewa National Forest does not distinguish between Class II or Class III OHVs (unlike the state of Minnesota). All FS roads are closed to all OHV use during this time period. For more information on OHV spring road restrictions, please contact the Chippewa National Forest engineering office at (218) 335-8686. (Editor’s note: I think they meant to say Class I or Class II. There is no Class III OHV in
Up North Riders ATV Club loses great friend and club VP.
We sent condolences from our club to the many friends and family of Kevin Futhey, who died in a Ranger accident last week near McGregor. Kevin was their club’s VP. He helped organize last year’s ATVAM Fall Ride & Rally, was a wonderful man, a Trail Ambassador, and friend to all.
Dennis Pinz says Hi from Nevada!
Dennis and Liz moved from Longville out to Pahrump, Nevada, a few years ago. It’s 60 miles west of Las Vegas. He still keeps in touch, and sent us some ride photos a while back. He is part of a group of 10 riders in their 70s and 80s who ride their RZRs twice a week out on BLM lands where there are plenty of trails to explore. Some riders in his group have over 20,000 miles on their machines!
DNR Trail Ambassadors Annual Meeting April 8th at Camp Ripley
Our team of Trail Ambassadors is growing this year, which is great. Welcome to all the new TAs! Hope to see you all at the DNR’s annual meeting of 200 TAs at Camp Ripley. Ed Anderson, our TA Grant Manager sent out an email, requesting everyone’s preferred TA ride dates and trails for the coming season, so he can put together our schedule and grant request to the DNR. It’s going to be another great riding season for our Trail Ambassadors.
Snowbirds Are Returning!
A number of Woodtick Wheelers head south for a month or three during the winter. This photo was sent in by Ed and Suzie Anderson. They spent some time at an RV Resort in Arizona, where Ed reports that it’s filled with Side-by-Sides, and once a week everyone heads out on a ride. ATVs are allowed on state highways in Arizona, and just about everywhere off-road. This photo shows some of them stopped for lunch at a food truck. If you have photos of your winter rides, please send them to us for the next newsletter!
Are You A Woodtick Itching to Ride?
Spider Lake, Moose River and some other local ATV trail systems are open during the winter and spring. Before you head out, be sure to check the MN DNR website to make sure the trails and State Forest roads are not closed due to the spring thaw. You can see the list at this link:
Ramping up for 2017 meetings and club rides!
The club board will soon be planning our schedule for the coming riding season. Watch for future emails with dates and details. First up: the spring meeting & pancake breakfast!
Thanks for supporting the club!
‘Like’ us on Facebook and visit WoodtickWheelers.com. Send us your ideas, places you’d like to ride, menu items for ride lunches, and other comments!
Your Woodtick Wheelers Board:
Dave Halsey, President dvhalsey@gmail.com, 612-723-1987; Andy Becker, Vice President, hackbilly1@gmail.com; Mike Ebinger, Treasurer, Membership mebinger48@gmail.com;
Sherrie Gayken, Secretary; Ed Anderson, Dick Buche, Sue Buche, Scott Meyers, Dave Shaw
Woodtick Wheelers ATV Club
P.O. Box 83
Hackensack, MN 56452
Thanks to a Polaris Trails grant, the Woodtick Wheelers were able to purchase a Polaris Sportsman 110 EFI to be used for youth safety training.
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