State Fair Time Update! 

Woodtick Wheelers ATV/OHM Club                                                                         

State Fair Time Update 2015

News, Updates & Woodticks On A Stick! Note change in dates on Sept/Oct club rides

National Night Out -- Thanks to Dick Buche for setting up the the trailer in Hackensack for this event on Aug. 4th. And to the other club members who passed out trail maps and other handouts to the public.

Emily/Outing Trail Club Ride -- We had a great time on this mid-August ride, and recommend it to everyone. We started at the Moose River ATV Trail parking area off State 6, rode down to Emily, went to the corn feed at Granny’s Bar & Grill, and did a 45 mile loop that’s a mix of winding trails and Forest Roads. It’s very well signed and fun. 

More Hoodies!  We had a run on hoodies at the annual meeting and ran out of charcoal and blaze orange. Never fear! We ordered more and will have them at our upcoming club events! Along with more camo hoodies, and lined camo wind jackets for fall hunting. We will even ship orders, just reply to this email for info.

Trail Ambassador Update -- Our club’s TAs rode a total of 210 hours through July. We will be receiving our mid-year grant check from the DNR shortly, and reimbursing all our TAs for their riding expenses. 

ATV & SxS Demo Rides! -- Lakes Area Powersports (formerly Walker Power, and a new Business Member!) will be holding demo rides of Polaris and Can Am vehicles. Dates are Saturday, August 29th, 3-5 pm at the Stompin’ Grounds Lodge & Campground (3 miles north of Akeley on State 64). And Saturday, October 3rd, 2-4 pm at the Moondance Fairground during Harvest Moon (2.5 miles east of Casino on State 200). Questions: 218-547-1558. Stop by, ride and say hi to Doug and Mary Jo Wolter, dealership owners, who are long-time riders, have a combined total of 30 years experience on the manufacturing side of the powersports industry, and are very supportive of the Woodtick Wheelers. Riders must be 18 or older, have an ATV safety certificate if born after July 1, 1987, a helmet and goggles, and will be required to sign a waiver.

September 26 -- Next Club Ride! -- At the ATVAM Fall Ride & Rally -- This is a fun day. Club members went last year in Roseau. This year, the main day of the annual ATVAM event is September 26, at Quadna Mountain Park in Hill City. North Woods Quads is the host ATV club. Registration is 9 am to 5 pm at the Quadna Chalet. Quadna entrance is on State 169, 1 mile south of State 200. There will be guided rides and general riding on the Hill City, UPM Blandin, Soo Line, Moose River and Outing-Emily Trails. Meet back at the chalet for the social hour starting at 5 pm and the banquet at 6 pm. Ribs and chicken catered by Harry’s Bar, with a cash bar. Music provided by Last Call Entertainment. There is a short meeting and an auction of ATV gear and accessories, large and small. There is also a silent auction. Our club will donate a Polaris helmet and other gear to the auctions. Camping is available. Registration for ATVAM members and non-members is $35 per person and $20 for kids 16 and under, which covers everything. ATVAM memberships will be available at a discounted rate of $15. ATVAM requests registrations by September 21st to get a head count for the banquet. Registration form and other details are at See you there!


September 25-26 -- Hackensack Chainsaw Event  This was our best community event last year. So we’re doing it again. We’ll have the club trailer and youth ATV and motorcycle there. Club members will be passing out trail maps, reg books and kids ATV safety color books and crayons, and signing up new members.  We need a few more members to work the trailer on Friday and Saturday. Please reply to this email if you’d like to visit with riders and answer their questions about the club and riding in our area.

October 3 -- North Shore Club Ride! (Originally scheduled for Sept 19) Thanks to Trista and Andy Becker for organizing this fun weekend trip to the North Shore. Drive to lodging in Duluth or Silver Bay area Friday. Saddle up on Saturday morning at the trail parking lot in Silver Bay (across State 61 from motels) and ride on the Moose Walk, Moose Run and Red Dot Trails. Return Sunday. Dick Buche reports that the Mariner Motel in Silver Bay has openings (800-777-8452). For more details on this trip, contact Trista Becker by email at: Here is a link to the DNR’s trail map for the area:


October 3 -- Cass County ATV Posse Training -- Thanks to everyone who attended our organizational meetings. 15 club members have submitted applications to the Sheriff’s Department. Initial training in CPR, first aid, GPS and radio is scheduled for Saturday, October 3, 9 am to 1 pm at the Cass County Land Department office, on State 87 in Backus. A mock search will be scheduled for later in the fall. We are looking for more members to join the ATV Posse. Reply to this email if interested. Thanks to Posse Team Leaders for leading this effort: Darcie Gayken, Ed Anderson, Dave Shaw.

October 10 -- Club ride to Huddles & highway cleanup. Originally Oct 3rd. We had to move this back a week, in place of the Hill City ride, which by October we will already have done three times. Meet on Stony Loop near Halsey cabin (4450 N. Stony Loop) at 10 am. Ride to Huddles, clean highway and all volunteers are treated to a free lunch at Huddles. We need 12 people to make the cleanup easy. Please email Dick Buche if you can help ( Thanks!

October 17th -- ATV Youth Safety Class, 9 am, Walker Area Community Center -- We partner with the Cass County Sheriff’s Deputies to put this class on. This ATV training class is for operators ages 11-15. Students who are age 11 may take the complete course, but the certificate will only become valid when they reach their 12th birthday. Adults who are new to ATV riding are also encouraged to take the class. The Minnesota DNR reports a rise in the number of injury accidents among older adults who are riding ATVs for the first time.  Class requirements:  Prior to the class, students must complete the DNR’s independent study, which is now on-line at There is a cost for the new on-line class. After completing the class, print out your ATV/OHM Safety Voucher and bring that to the hands-on riding class. For the rest of the year, students may also continue to use the DNR’s CD-ROM, and bring a certificate of completion to the class. CDs are available from our club’s instructors, at Lakes Area Power Sports in Walker, at the One Stop in Longville, or by calling DNR Enforcement Safety Training Office at 800-366-8917. Those attending the class must provide their own ATV, wear long pants, long-sleeve shirt, gloves and boots (no tennis shoes) and bring a helmet with goggles or face shield. Parents must sign a parent release form, and are encouraged to help with the class.  Preregistration is required. To register, contact Lloyd Solarz at 218-682-3775.

RZR For Sale -- Cory Clarke has a 2014 RZR XP900 for sale. Includes full and half windshields, 5 year warranty, has 570 miles. Contact Cory if interested at

We’re still looking for renewal dues from a few dozen members. Please send to PO Box 83, Hackensack, MN 56452. Thanks for your support!

Send us your ideas and comments on the club. 
Thanks!  Your Woodtick Wheelers Board
Dave Halsey, President,  612-723-1987
Andy Becker, Vice President,,
Mike Ebinger, Treasurer, Membership  218-507-0153
Sherry Gayken, Secretary; Trista Becker, Dick Buche, Sue Buche, Dick Nytes

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Woodtick Wheelers ATV Club

P.O. Box 83

Hackensack, MN 56452


Thanks to a Polaris Trails grant, the Woodtick Wheelers were able to purchase a Polaris Sportsman 110 EFI to be used for youth safety training. 

Our club's ATV Safety Education Trailer was purchased with a $10,000 grant from the Polaris TRAILS program. Thousands of people have visited it at community events, where we passed out over 5,000 ATV maps, reg books and safety handouts. Thanks Polaris!
Our club's ATV Safety Education Trailer was purchased with a $10,000 grant from the Polaris TRAILS program. Thousands of people have visited it at community events, where we passed out over 5,000 ATV maps, reg books and safety handouts. Thanks Polaris!
Every new member gets free club logo stickers for their ATVs and off-highway motorcycles.  Extra logos: $1  Also available in an embroidered patch to sew on your favorite gear. $3 each.
Every new member gets free club logo stickers for their ATVs and off-highway motorcycles. Extra logos: $1 Also available in an embroidered patch to sew on your favorite gear. $3 each.